Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The lie.

And there were those who questioned, why I’d quit it! Of course, nobody could really tell them the actual reason why- I had just been too lazy and too afraid. And so there was the lie, followed by an even bigger lie till I started believing in it myself. I even started advocating for the lie, so much so that, when other people used it as excuse, I fought for them, encouraged them and basically told them to believe in themselves, ‘cause hell if I know, I believed in it too.

By the time I was in my late teens, years of lying to me had done the trick. The veracity of the lie was never doubted, the assumptions never questioned and it’s a sad fact that most of the world also came to accept it as true.

And then came these moments when ordinary people faced extraordinary situations, or at least in their minds, as the lie wanted them to believe it. The safety of the lie was so tempting that most succumbed to it, except a few, wary souls. They fought, every moment, when every thought in their head was screaming at them to believe the lie, they quietened the voice down. And they prevailed. And that’s what history teaches us every day- to fight the lie; that there are people out there doing things that are considered impossible to be done; that there’s hope, that there’s faith, in oneself.

And how do you generate the will and the courage to fight the lie. As I saw it in a rather strange movie “The greatest game ever played” when the “hero” was going on a diatribe against the system, - “Let me tell you something. I came here to win a trophy. And on the face of it Ted Ray or I should carry it off. Not for you, not for England, but for sheer bloody pride at being the best, *that's* why we do this”

In other words, he did it “for the love of the game”, for the sheer joy of being the best at what you are. And that’s what drives us ahead. Few, a very select few, of us are lucky enough cause that’s what makes us get up every day in the morning to live our day at the fullest, cause what we are doing is what we love and we don’t care what other people think or say or do- a kind of indifference and apathy to other human beings that comes with the knowledge that we are pursuing a noble goal.

And to end it on a sobering thought is this line from Invictus (Also, cause I got bored and lost track of what I was writing about)

“I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul.”

Friday, March 19, 2010

The greatest movie ever made- GUDDU

I have to write about this movie before everyone forgets about it.
A cult classic released in 1995, which I had the (mis)fortune of watching in a movie theater.
It had songs like,
"Sardi mein pasina chhute,
na bhukh na pyaas lage!
Yaar yahi pyaar to nahi??
Daddy, se pu..chhunga"
I dont even want to translate it in English. It would make a movie buff say, "The horror, the horror"
Yes, the classic movie is "Guddu" starring Shah Rukh Khan and Manisha Koirala with Mukesh "Shaktimaan" Khanna as his daddy and Deepti Naval as his overtly religious Mummy.

Guddu Bahadur is only child in the Bahadur family, consisting of Advocate Vikram, and his wife, Kavita. While Kavita is a devout and a religous Hindu, Vikram is not. Guddu and Salina Gupta are in love. One day, while driving, they meet with an accident, and Salina loses her sight. Guddu blames himself, and so do Salina's parents, and he is asked to keep away from Salina. Salina herself knows that the accident was not Guddu's fault, but would not like to meet Guddu and be a burden on him. Then Guddu overhears a conversation between their family doctor and his dad, and he comes to know that he has brain tumor, and has only a few more months to live. He wants to donate his eyes to the hospital so that Salina can benefit from them, but his dad will not even consider this. Things take a turn for the worse, when Guddu decides to go to court to assert his right to donate his eyes, not knowing that his decision will change everyone's lives.

Ending (spoiler): Shah Rukh Khan (Guddu) goes into operation and his mother locks herself in the temple built in their home. For 3 days and 3 nights, she prays continuously. Shah Rukh Khan makes miraculous recovery. Goes to her temple (he does not need bed rest- he is SRK) with a small bandage on his head-more like a bandana (he has had a major opn-show some sympathy).
And sees that she is dead n before dying had left a letter in which her face speaks in Hindi as a watermark from that document. Her eyes to be donated to heroine.
Happy ending (for God knows who?)
3 hours of my wasted life never to return!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rambling for the day

Round and round the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

So finally I have also joined this world of the dark, dreary and lonely souls-all of whom have a thing in common- they have a story to tell (That's my understanding about blogging. Please don't take out your stakes and pitchforks, already, for thinking that I am a non-believer).
My first post is to celebrate the unique name I have given to my blog. So feel free to comment. Its not a political satire, its not a literary review, its not a technical analysis, its just what I have named it. These are the ramblings of a person who in all honesty (and with modesty I might add) accepts himself to be a fool.